Michael Caine Confirms Role In Christopher Nolan's New Project

  • 05 July 2012

Michael Caine may be giving up his role as Alfred, Batman's butler but he has confirmed that his working relationship with Batman director Christopher Nolan will continue. "We're each other's good luck charms," said the British actor. "I've been in everything he's done since he's been in Hollywood." In his interview with Empire magazine, Caine also revealed that Nolan already has a project in the pipeline, though he did not unveil much in the way of details. "He's got some other idea and I'm in it," he explained.
The actor went on to discuss how he felt about walking away from the iconic role as Batman's trusty butler. When asked if he'll miss the role, he said "In a way, but in a way it's right. I've played him three times." He seemed to revel in the nature of the role, as well, enjoying being the force that keeps Batman grounded: "His role in Batman is to be your reality. When you get into the fantasy, suddenly you've got the butler there saying exactly what you're thinking - 'You can't do that! You can't go flying up in a bat suit in here! What are you, nuts?!' He is the foot on the ground and that's what was always important to me. And I played it that way."
In true Michael Caine style, though, he was characteristically humble about the importance of Albert's role in the Batman movies: "I don't come in and say, 'dinner is served' or anything. The butler is an essential character in the whole movie. He's not massive but that pleased me. I don't want to do massive."