Angelina Jolie Receives Citizen Of Sarajevo Award At Bosnian Film Festival

  • 08 July 2012

Angelina Jolie was honoured in Bosnia last night (Saturday 7th July) at the 18th Sarajevo Film Festival, being bestowed with the Honorary Citizen of Sarajevo award from the Prime Minister of the Sarajevo Canton, Mr. Fikret Music.

The actress was on show at the festival promoting her latest film In the Land of Blood and Honey, which tells the story of the Bosnian War via the relationship between a Bosnian Serb man and a Bosnian Muslim woman, and was written and directed by Jolie.

Despite promoting a film that is supposed to show the female struggles of war and the deprivation civilian women face in modern combat, it didn't stop Ange from showing off, for the first time at a public event, her fist-sized diamond engagement ring from fiance Brad Pitt.

Jolie, who received the award for her gentle depiction of the film's victims and inclusion of a largely Eastern Europe-based cast, spoke of her deep connection to the country during her acceptance speech, saying: "The time I spent and the people I met in Bosnia have changed me forever. I can't tell you how much it means to me to be named an honorary citizen of Sarajevo, a city so dear to my heart."