Lulu Has A New Grandchild

  • 06 August 2012

Scottish singer Lulu has become a grandmother for the second time.
The Shout hitmaker's son Jordan Frieda, from her marriage to hairdressing mogul John Frieda, and his wife Alana Rice became parents to a baby boy called Edward on Monday (06Aug12).
The tot, named after Lulu's father, is a little brother for their two-year-old daughter Isabella, and Lulu admits she broke down when told she was a grandmother again.
In a post on her page, she writes, "This morning I wake up & am told I have a grandson, born at 8am, his name is Edward, after my father, tears of joy running down my face!"
She later posted a picture of her cradling the newborn on her page and added, "Proud Nanna Lu with Bella's little brother Teddy!!"