Batman To Return In 2015 Thanks To 'Justice League'

  • 29 August 2012

If you've already seen Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises several times over and are mithering over the lack of potential new Batman action on the horizon, then worry no more. According to Total Film, the caped-wonder could well be hitting the cinema screens again as early as 2015, as part of the DC Comics superhero mash-up, Justice League.

The movie is DC's answer to the hugely successful Avengers movie, which sprung forth from the Marvel Studios camp and gathered some of Marvel's most popular superheroes under one narrative. DC are acting quickly to capitalise on the path that Marvel have paved and should have their own version of a multi-hero caper ready for the big screen in 2015. A new incarnation of Batman is expected to be included in the film, as well as Green Lantern, whose character is also likely to be re-booted, after Ryan Reynolds' incarnation was so poorly-received. It is not thought that 'Man of Steel' will be connected with the Justice League film, meaning that Henry Cavill is unlikely to be playing Superman, either.

All change, then, for DC Comics' characters. Few details of the forthcoming movie have been confirmed but it seems that Gangster Squad writer Will Beall is working on a script for DC, whilst Ben Affleck has already been touted as a potential director for the movie.