Fiona Apple Held In Jail Over Possession Of Cannabis

  • 20 September 2012

Fiona Apple was arrested at a border stop in Texas on Wednesday (September 19th) after it was discovered that she was holding illegal drugs, according to The Daily Mail.

These days, it’s all tweets and hashtags with pop stars, but Fiona Apple was involved in a different type of ‘hashtag’ when the cops busted her for possession of marijuana. The strong form of cannabis - made from the resin of the plant - was found on the Criminal singer's tour bus in Sierra Blanca, and now the 35-year-old is being held at Hudspeth County Jail following her arrest. Apple rose to fame in 1996 with her debut album, Tidal, and went on to win a Grammy Award for best female rock vocal performance for the single Criminal. Her follow up albums include When the Pawn, Extraordinary Machine and The Idler Wheel, which was released this year.

Musicians and cannabis is nothing new of course; the latest stoned-singer scandal occurred with everyone’s favourite wacky superstar, Lady GaGa. The Born This Way singer was filmed lighting up a fat one on stage in Amsterdam, and she’s previously stated her appreciation for the drug: “I want you to know it has totally changed my life and I’ve really cut down on drinking,” she told The Sun. “It has been a totally spiritual experience for me with my music. It’s like saying everybody needs to take a breath and it’s going to be OK.” We at preach caution when dabbling with narcotics, kids.