Frankenweenie Premiere At London Film Festival: Adoring Crowd Greet Tim Burton

  • 11 October 2012

A healthy group of horror-clad film fans turned up to see Tim Burton’s new film, Frankenweenie on its European debut at the London Film Festival, reports The Telegraph.

Having carved out a terrifically niche style, Tim Burton’s gothic-comedy genre is adored by many, and this was clear to see when fans turned up in fancy dress to catch his new film at the LFF, shouting things like “Woo! Tim! I love you!” The film - a black and white animation - is a simple tale about a boy and his dog. Actually, the dog dies and that boy brings the dog back to life, so it’s not as straightforward as we said, but that’s a Tim Burton film all over, isn’t it? The film looks to be a delightfully silly Halloween treat, and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. Just try telling that to the Burton-fanatics at the premiere, though. In fact, Burton needed a bit of a lift, after his last film, Dark Shadows, bombed, finally suggesting that his long working relationship with Johnny Depp might be a little stale.

Apart from a few naysayers, Frankenweenie has generally been received well by the critics, and has accumulated an impressive score of 87% on the film review aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes. Rolling Stone, in particular, said: “Only Tim Burton could envision this Frankenstein-inspired tale, and it's a honey, a dark and dazzling spellbinder that scares up laughs and surprising emotion.”