Lindsay Lohan Get's On The Wrong Sides Of Critics And Celebs In Liz And Dick

  • 26 November 2012

Lindsay Lohan in Liz & Dick has had mixed reviews to say the least. And when we say mixed, we mean a mix between quite bad, really bad and worst thing ever. While some reviewers were moved to say the film could be enjoyed as a drinking game, most were frightfully damning of her turn as Elizabeth Taylor.

Perhaps, though, the critics give Lohan a bad time. She swears, drinks, gets arrested and steals, which aren't the tropes of a widely loved Hollywood actress. But if the critics were harsh (which they probably weren't), her fellow celebs took to twitter to take the Liz & Dick bashing to the next level, and it wasn't as if Lohan didn't have it coming, tweeting, "Hey guys! #LizandDick is on @lifetimetv! Got any questions for me? Please send them my way." Well here we go; "Lindsay Lohan had a better British accent in the parent trap and that is not a joke," model Chrissy Teigen quipped, while comedian Kathy Griffin weighed in, saying "The set director had a sense of humor," along with a screengrab of Lohan decked out in furs, passing by a sign that read: "Shoplifting is a crime."

"I get the feeling the phrase 'It is what it is' was said a lot in the editing room," musician Aimee Mann wrote, while comedian Patton Oswalt chimed in, saying "'We're next.' -- Ben Affleck and J-Lo, texting each other. #lizanddick". He later added: "Dear @lindsaylohan: I give you permission to Tweet me to smithereens when I do Lifetime's CHAZ BONO: THE CRUELEST CUT in March. #lizanddick."