Unbroken – Angelina Jolie Takes On Her Next Directorial Project

  • 19 December 2012

Does Angelina Jolie ever take a break from work? On top of filming her latest movie Maleficent, Mrs Brad Pitt is now looking set to direct her second movie, entitled Unbroken. According to Empire online, Jolie is currently going through the contractual small print but is likely to sign on the dotted line pretty soon to bag her seat in the director’s chair once more.

The movie tells the tale of the 1936 Olympian Louis Zamperini and is based on the New York Times bestselling book ‘Unbroken: A World War II Story Of Survival, Resilience, And Redemption.’ Written by Laura Hillenbrand, the book tells the tale of a wartime aviator’s survival, after he was shot down over the Pacific. Jolie revealed “"I read Laura Hillenbrand's brilliant book and I was so moved by Louie Zamperini's heroic story, I immediately began to fight for the opportunity to make this film. Louie is a true hero and a man of immense humanity, faith and courage. I am deeply honored to have the chance to tell his inspiring story.”

The script is reportedly being worked on by Gladiator screenwriter William Nicholson. It’s unclear at the moment who will star in the movie, which will feature and action-packed story, with “bombers, crashes, 47 days afloat on a raft, sharks, death-defying feats, strafings and Japanese POW camps!” Sounds like one not to be missed!