Ben Affleck Drops Out Of Upcoming Kristen Stewart Movie, Focus

  • 20 December 2012

Newly reinstated Hollywood darling Ben Affleck has announced that he will no longer be appearing in the upcoming comedy, Focus, due to his overly-hectic schedule, Variety have revealed.

Affleck had previously stated his desire to appear in the film, particularly singling out his desire to work alongside his would-be co-star Kristen Stewart, but no it looks as though the Argo star/director will have to wait a little longer before he get the chance to appear on screen with the Twilight-star.

Affleck really isn't making excuses when he says he's got a busy schedule either, with the Renaissance Man currently focused on writing, directing, producing and staring in the adaptation of Dennis Lehane's Live by Night. Affleck is also busy working on the film The Stand as well as the untitled Whitey Bulger project he is attached to. With perhaps one of Hollywood's busiest award seasons to combat with too, then maybe Warner Brothers can forgive Affleck for not being able to commit to the scheduled Spring filming.

Earlier today (Dec. 20), Affleck flaunted yet another talent whilst in Washington D.C. - a potential to follow the footsteps of Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger and go into politics. Speculation is currently rife that he is considering running for a US Senate seat from Massachusetts and whilst nothing is set in stone, we wouldn't put it past him.