Ben Affleck Urges Congress To Take Action On Congo Conflict

  • 22 December 2012

With a film coming out, multiple press appearances and promotional events lined up, all that Ben Affleck is missing out on is going political.

Well, apparently not. On Wednesday (December 19) Affleck stood before the United States Congress’ House Armed Services Committee, to appeal for US interference in Congo. "They deserve better than this cycle of violence and upheaval," Affleck commented, urging the US to show moral leadership and intervene in the UN mission in the region. In the video footage, published by the Associated Press, Affleck also expresses his belief that the conflict, which he likened to World War II can not be resolved without high-level foreign intervention. Well, now we know what line of policies Affleck intends to follow, should he actually run for senator – a possibility which isn’t completely out of the question? Well,it seems so, as the actor-turned-director is yet to deny the rumours that he intends to run for a Massachusetts State Senate seat.

"I’m not going to get into speculation about my political future," Affleck said in an interview taped for this Sunday's "Face the Nation" on CBS. "I do have a great fondness and admiration for the political process in this country." Affleck certainly wouldn’t be the first Hollywood native to run for office, but the question of his political qualifications is still on the table.