Brad And Anjelina Taking A Break With The Kids Over Christmas

  • 29 December 2012

Brad and Angelina (kind of well-known, you may have heard of them) might have had a busy year, but that never seems to stop the two from taking some time off to spend with the family.

The powerhouse couple have taken a holiday with their numerous offspring at a secluded Carribean resort, The New York Post reports. There is no shortage of reports about exactly how the family has been spending their time, either. According to the publication, the happy family has been staying at Donna Karen’s house on the island. The couple and their six children are also reportedly vacationing with Pitt’s mother and father, his sister, brother and their families – 22 people in total. It’s a family affair, if we’ve ever seen one. The same source also reports that “no nannies were seen” with the among the many people in the group.

“They are at Donna’s house, without Donna, and have been loving the island because it is so secluded,” the source reports “Angelina’s taken the kids to Karan’s yoga spa. They’ve been running around the island with no care in the world, and relaxing.” Well, we can’t help but feel slightly jealous of the Jolie-Pitt clan’s less than traditional family getaway.