Beckhams Come Back To Blighty, And Education Comes First

  • 31 December 2012

If we were to judge the British educative system of state schools by the standards of the tabloids that line the shelves of the nation's newsagents, then the majority of our children would barely be able to write their own name before the age of 16.

Of course, in fact, the country offers one of the best educations to be found world wide but if you can pay for the best, then why not? That's precisely what the Beckhams have opted for a £15,000 p/a school for their three boys, to coincide with their return to living in the UK.

As the Mirror reports, "both David and Victoria's families are all delighted too as a return to London means they will see so much more of the children,' a source said. "'For David and Victoria, the children come first. They have spent months researching schools and after visiting a few earlier this month, have found one they agree on. It's an independent school and will not be fazed by having celebrity children on its books."

The hefty price tag of the school for all three boys, will amount to £45,000 yearly. However, with a net worth of £190m and potentially an even more lucrative deal on the way with a Chinese super-club, that enormous sum is a trifling number. The deal with China that's on the cards may see their British return to be short lived, as apparently David never likes to be far from the kids for too long. The Beckhams reportedly wont be returning to 'Beckingham' Palace, opting rather to move into London.