Why Does Emma Stone Owe Ryan Gosling Money + Gangster Squad Trailer

  • 08 January 2013

Oh, Ryan, why do you intrigue us so? Mr Gosling has been chatting to MTV about upcoming movie, Gangster Squad (check out the trailer below) and he dropped in a cryptic line about co-star Emma Stone owing him some cash.

Gangster Squad marks the second on-screen romance for Gosling and Stone, so the signs point to another film together, but when he was asked about that very subject, Gosling only had this to say: "Whatever it takes to get my money back, because she owes me money and I won't forget about it."

What could it possibly be? Is it naughty? If so, we'd imagine the money transfer would be going the other way, given Gosling's stock as a Hollywood hunk. Perhaps, and hopefully it isn't, some boring story about him buying her lunch and playfully not being a gentleman.

In the same interview, Gosling opened up about just how gangster Gangster Squad is. "Well I guess I don't really know. We were playing cops, ultimately," he said about not knowing how to act like a gangster. "And cops who had to sort of behave in way that they wouldn't necessarily choose to but they had no choice, but it was incredible -- this is very different from the real story, in some ways the real story is even more surreal and unbelievable because these men actually did this."

Gangster Squad trailer: