Lincoln Set To Light Up Baftas, But Why Was Spielberg Left Out?

  • 09 January 2013

Ever since the coming together of Daniel Day Lewis' acting talents, Steven Spielberg's directing prowess and the emotive story of Lincoln's tenure was announced in the form of Lincoln, everybody knew they'd be reading about it in the same sentence as 'Bafta' and 'Oscars'.

On the eve of the Golden Globes and the Oscar nominations, we can safely predict that Lincoln will not only take home the Bafta for best film, be nominated in the same Oscar category and more, and clean up come February when the Academy ceremony takes place.

It's a linear, predictable path, but one the Lincoln team won't mind treading. An unexpected blip - a divot in the road - though, is Spielberg's omission from the Best Director category, currently occupied by Ben Affleck (for Argo), Quentin Tarantino (for Django Unchained), Kathryn Bigelow (for Zero Dark Thirty), Michael Haneke (for Amour) and Ang Lee (for Life of Pi).

So why's this happened? We've got a theory. Lincoln will win best film because Lincoln is best film (bear with us, we've got more) but Lincoln's story is universal, it's a true story even if the history buffs spot inaccuracies. If Tarantino had directed it, it would still win best film, but if Spielberg had helmed the story of a vengeful slave exacting revenge on the people who 'own' him, well we don't think it would be Django Unchained.

Spielberg's ability to let a brilliant story tell itself, while he perfectly administers the simple touches needed will lead to best film. Tarantino's personality, guts and originality in Django Unchained will rightly see him recognized for an individual effort.

Take a look at trailers for both Lincoln and Django Unchained!