Natalie Wood Death: Bruises Suggest Hollywood Actress Was Assaulted

  • 14 January 2013
Image caption Natalie Wood And James Dean In The Classic Movie 'Rebel Without A Cause'

An explosive new report into the death of Natalie Wood by the Los Angeles County Coroner's report questions the original 1981 findings that led investigators to conclude Wood died accidentally, reports the Los Angeles Times. Wood - who was known to be terrified of the water - was assumed to have fallen overboard during a boating trip with husband Robert Wagner and the actor Christopher Walken.

A new report concludes that bruising on Wood's wrists and other areas are more consistent with injuries from an assault prior to the point in which she entered the water. The findings stop short of classifying her death as a homicide, though suggest it may not be as simple an explanation as accidental death. Additional sources who spoke with the L.A. Times said the bruises were originally overlooked in the accidental-death finding more than 30 years ago. At the time of her death, husband Robert Wagner told authorities that Wood fell off their 60-foot yacht Spendour possibly while trying to re-tie a dinghy that had been banging against the side of the boat, disturbing her sleep.

Unconvinced with the original findings, the case was re-opened by officials in November 2011, who changed the description from accidental drowning to "drowning and other undetermined factors."

Wagner did not immediately report his wife's death, and Wood's body was found hours later floating in waters off Catalina Island.