Sir Tom Jones To Join Shirley Bassey & Adele At Bond-heavy Oscars - Report

  • 18 February 2013

Singer Sir Tom Jones will reportedly join Dame Shirley Bassey and Adele for a James Bond movie theme medley at the Oscars on Sunday (24Feb13).

Reports suggest the Welshman had to abandon filming on Tv talent show The Voice in Britain to fly to the U.S. for an Oscars rehearsal over the weekend (16-17Feb13).

According to British newspaper The Sun, Thunderball singer Jones will join Bassey and Adele as part of the award show's 50th anniversary tribute to all things Bond.

Five of the six 007s will join the singers onstage at the Dolby Theatre for the Oscars - Pierce Brosnan recently revealed one of the movie Bonds had declined an invitation to take part.

Adele's Skyfall theme has been nominated for a Best Song Academy Award.