Mark Wahlberg And P-Diddy Are In The Drinks Business Together, Launching AQUAhydrate Water.

  • 28 February 2013

If water isn’t enough for you, then perhaps AQUAhydrate water will be. See, normal water is for idiots, but Mark Wahlberg and P-Diddy’s water-drink is the water hard-working celebs drink. So it’s better.

"I grew up a Kool-Aid kid, I would drink sodas, juices everything ... and never drank water because I didn't like the way it tasted," said P-Diddy to MTV News at the announcement of his partnership with Wahlberg. "I drank this water, I loved the way it tasted. It gave me a certain amount of energy, a certain amount of focus and helped me with my recovery for those nights where ... I do work hard, but it is a known fact that I do play hard," added the artist formerly known as Puff Daddy. The pair, and the drinks company alike, will be hoping their enhanced profile will help launch AQUAhydrate into new realms of sales. But what is so different about this drink? Well, according to the fluid’s official site, “cutting-edge pharmaceutical grade UV filters clear impurities and strip water of unwanted harmful dissolved solids.” So we’re just drinking bad solids now. We still can’t figure out why is tastes different though.

Image caption Wahlberg and Diddy in their sharp grey suits

"He's a great partner to have. Works harder than me, one of the most powerful men in Hollywood right now, I play a little bit so I need to AQUAhydrate. It balances me," Diddy added of his partership with Walhberg . "Most importantly for people like me, it makes you ashy. If you not hydrating you get incredibly ashy and that just doesn't work. So this right here gives me my glow."