Justin Bieber Kicked Out Of Paris Hotel As Fans Go Nuts

  • 18 March 2013

If there’s one thing you can be sure of in Justin Bieber’s currently unpredictable world, it’s that his fans will go crazy everytime he’s within metres of them, or in their line of sight, or, alive.

They just go nuts. Which is fine when you want to make loads of money and be a celebrity, but when you’re trying to stay in a posh Paris hotel, where other members of the public want to do normal things, like, eat, sleep and talk, it gets difficult. Jean-Marc Morandini, a TV and radio showbusiness presenter in Paris, said on his blog: "Justin Bieber has just been kicked out of the Meurice Hotel in Paris. It was a decision taken by the management of the luxury hotel because of his attitude in the establishment, and because of the nuisance caused by the presence of his fans around the buildings." Bieber wasn’t the only celeb in the hotel, though, no. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were there too, and a member of the British royal family.

Image caption Biebz giving it to his fans

A source said: “There were kids everywhere screaming and shouting, and the other guests just didn't like it,” adding, “Justin was clearly encouraging his fans - that's something he has to do." A spokesman for the Meurice confirmed that the star had left suddenly, but diplomatically insisted that the hotel's management had not asked him to go. "Justin Bieber had indeed left the establishment to go elsewhere, but we do not know where," he said. He added: "But this is a decision made by him or his team. We do not turn people away."