Controversy As Justin Bieber’s Grandfather Lives In Poor Conditions Whilst The Pop Star Rakes It In

  • 22 April 2013

First we heard of Madonna’s brother living on the street while she’s one of the richest women in the world, and now it is revealed that Justin Bieber’s relative – this time his Grandfather – is terribly ill and lives in horrible conditions Biebz is worth £70m.

Speaking to The Sun, George said: “Justin might be worth £70million but we certainly have never seen a penny of it. It's hard to imagine the money Justin has, as it's about as far removed from our life as you could get.” Describing him as “too big for his britches”, he is worried about who is advising his grandson. He told the newspaper: “When I hear about his recent behaviour I just wonder who on earth is looking after him as, believe me, this is not the loving little boy we always knew.” Justin's representatives declined to comment, but a source told Mail Online: “This is recycled nonsense and too bad.” This will just be another unwelcome story for Bieber and his crew.

Image caption Bieber doing what he does best - and that's saying something

The teenage star – who recently turned 19 – has been causing controversy wherever he goes recently. There was allegedly smoking weed, breakups, being late for shows, not turning up to interviews and some social media outburst too. Then again, his reported £70m wealth and legions of fans might have something to do with his 19-year-old brain going into meltdown.