Liam Gallagher Offers Truce To Noel On BE?

  • 25 May 2013

Liam Gallagher appears to ask his brother Noel Gallagher to end their feud on the new Beady Eye album.

On the song 'Don't Brother Me' the rocker seemingly offers his sibling an olive branch and a chance to end their war of words which has been going on since Noel, 45, quit Oasis after a backstage bust-up with his younger brother in Paris in August 2009.

On the track he sings: ''You know I'm the man, I'll make you if I can / In the morning I'll be calling and hoping you understand / All or nothing, I'll be calling. Come on now give peace a chance.''

In what seems to be a reference to Noel's solo song 'If I Had A Gun...', Liam also sings: ''Don't brother me when you're done ... did you shoot your gun / You know I'm a man, I'll do what I can / Sick of your scheming and lying / You're always in the sun with your number one.''

Liam and his bandmates Andy Bell, Gem Archer and Chris Sharrock debuted the album to invited guests at London's Soho Hotel on Thursday night (23.05.13) and after the playback had finished the 40-year-old musician got stuck into the bar downing tequila shots and sipping on vodka and tonic.

Speaking to BANG Showbiz at the event, Liam wouldn't admit any of the songs were specifically about Noel but did reveal recent events in his life had influenced the LP.

He said: ''I'm not writing about being number one, or trying to be number one, but what's happened to us recently might filter through in our music. But I'm writing about life and life is how it happens, s**t is going down man. I want to write about real things.''

When it was suggested some of the lyrics were amongst the most honest he had committed to record, he added: ''You're right what you're on about, at the time that's how I felt. At that moment I was writing songs about peace and harmony, it just goes wherever it goes.''

Guitarist Gem also hinted some of the tracks could be influenced by the demise of Oasis but revealed the band never ask the songwriters to explain their lyrics.

He said: ''Look (Oasis), was 10 years of our lives, more for Liam. It's going to come out in what we do. It's just natural. But as a band we don't ask people to explain what their lyrics are about when they bring them in.''

The album contains a number of introspective tracks, including 'I'm Just Saying' and 'Ballroom Figured', which contains the lyrics ''Did you ever loan me that song? / Did you ever know me at all?''

There are also several high energy rockers, such as the horn-driven 'Flick of the Finger', 'Face The Crowd' - which has a big chorus complete with hand claps - and 'Iz Rite', a 60s inspired track with strings.

Gem believes the album has a cinematic feel to it and he credits producer Dave Sitek for guiding the band in a different direction to their debut record, 'Different Gear, Still Speeding'.

He said: ''To me is does sound like a film soundtrack. When we were listening to the finished version of 'Start Anew' that's what it felt like, like it should be on the cinema. That's Dave Sitek, that's what he has brought to us. That sound and scope and those ideas.''

Beady Eye's 'BE' is released on June 10.

'BE' tracklisting:

  1. 'Flick of the Finger'

  2. 'Soul Love'

  3. 'Face the Crowd'

  4. 'Second Bite of the Apple'

  5. 'Soon Come Tomorrow'

  6. 'Iz Rite'

  7. 'I'm Just Saying'

  8. 'Don't Brother Me'

  9. 'Shine A Light'

  10. 'Ballroom Figured'

  11. 'Start Anew'