Two Weeks After Her Own Mastectomy Angelina Jolie’s Aunt Dies Of Breast Cancer

  • 27 May 2013

There’s sad news camp Angelina Jolie; her aunt has died of breast cancer. Debbie Martin died at age 61 at a hospital in Escondido, Calif., near San Diego, her husband, Ron Martin, told The Associated Press. The news comes just two weeks after Jolie herself underwent preventative surgery to reduce the risk of her getting the same disease.

Her mastectomy, which took the risk from 85% down to 5%, was a successful operation. Debbie’s husband, Ron Martin, said the sisters had both had the same mutated BRCA1 gene, which Jolie inherited. "Angelina has been in touch throughout the week and her brother Jamie has been with us, giving his support day by day," he told E! News. "They both loved Debbie very much and although Angie is not able to come right now she has sent her love and support which was very nice." The BRCA1 gene is present in everyone but only mutates in one in 1,000 people. Anyone with the mutation has a 50-80% chance of developing breast cancer.

"I decided to be proactive and to minimise the risk as much I could," explained Jolie when she discovered that she had an 85% chance of getting breast cancer, and a 50% of ovarian cancer. Jolie went to explain that she hoped people would take her lead and get the surgery required to reduce the chance of breast cancer.

Image caption Jolie and her son, Maddox, and his funny hoodie
Image caption Angelina Jolie at the 2013 American Society of Cinematographers Awards