Delivery Man - Trailer

  • 28 May 2013

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David Wozniak is a 40-something year old slob who did some stupid things to earn a living when he was much younger. When he is visited by an official from the local sperm bank, he discovers that one of those stupid things has led to him fathering no less than 533 children after donating his seed back in the nineties and now he is up against a lawsuit from 142 of them who are demanding to know his real identity after only being aware of his alias 'Starbuck'. With a lawyer who thinks the best course of action is to plead insanity in court, David must consider whether or not he should follow his intrigue and come forward, or retreat and fight for his anonymity. Meanwhile, his current girlfriend is having second thoughts about him as she becomes pregnant, fretting over his suitability to face up to his responsibilities.

'Delivery Man' is the US version of French film 'Starbuck', both directed and written by Ken Scott ('Sticky Fingers', 'The Rocket: The Legend of Rocket Richard'). It's the hilarious story of responsibility and anonymity and what it really means to be a parent. It is set to hit UK cinemas from October 11th 2013.