Angelina Jolie Makes First Post-Double Mastectomy Appearance At World War Z Premiere [Photos]

  • 03 June 2013

Angelina Jolie hasn't been seen in public for some months now, with the actress undergoing a secret double mastectomy earlier this year to drastically reduce her chances of developing breast cancer in Spring, only revealing the news to the wider public in early May.

During the London premiere of husband Brad Pitt's newest release, World War Z, the actress put on a brave face and smiled for the cameras as she made her first public appearance since the operation. The actress was not silent on the red carpet either, as she gladly spoke with fans and later the press about her experience so far, with the actress giving her gratitude to the outpouring of support for her following the ordeal.

"I feel great," the actress told the BBC on the red carpet, going on to say, "I've been very happy just to see the discussion about women's health expanded and that means the world to me."

Dressed in a black Yves Saint Laurent dress, the actress looked the picture of health too, despite the drastic surgery she received only a few months ago. She also spoke highly about her husband, Pitt, for his continued support throughout the saga, saying, He’s such a wonderful man and a wonderful father. I’m very lucky,” whilst Brad said the operation was "moving experience" for his entire family.

Angelina revealed last month in an open letter published in the New York Times that she had both of her breasts removed to reduce her chances of developing breast cancer, with her chances standing way above average at 87% thanks to her possession of the faulty BRCA1 gene that was also responsible for the death of her mother and aunt. The actress' chances of developing ovarian cancer are also high, and Jolie has already revealed her plans to have them removed in the near future too.

See the full gallery of photos from last night's premiere

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