Pompous Nightmare Or A Work Of Sheer Genius? You Guessed It, It's A Round-Up Of Kanye West's 'Yeezus' Reviews

  • 17 June 2013

A new Kanye West album is never something that goes unnoticed, and despite distractions from his new family - with the birth of his first child with Kim Kardashian - and his friends and collaborators - Jay-Z announced that he will bring out a new album this weekend - the bulk of the public's attention is still being placed on Yeezus. So the question remains, and with so many people already with access to it this shouldn't be too hard a question to answer, is whether its any good.

Watch Kanye perform 'New Slaves' on SNL

For those of you who have managed to listen to the album you'll know that it is a much heavier venture from Yeezy and at times is more reminiscent of a Saul Williams album than it is a Kanye West album, but Kanye is never one to let his sound stagnate after all and a break from the norm was always inevitable, and anyway, what is the norm for Kanye? As the Guardian points out in their glowing review of the album; "Yeezus is the sound of a man just doing his job properly," and Kanye is a man who tends to get a job done. The Independent go on to comment that,like so much of Kanye's previous output, the album peters on brilliance, but has a tendency to peak just before the right moment. They wrote, "It’s not quite godlike, but Yeezus certainly feels like it was created by a higher power."

As well as birthing a new album, Kanye's girlfriend Kim Kardashian spent the weekend birthing a child over the weekend, with the reality star being uncharacteristically quiet on the details front about her child. Still, we probably won't have to wait too long for any information about the child to make it's way into the tabloids.

Currently the album has an impressive score of 84 on review aggregator Metacritic, with entirely negative reviews in sight. But it is still early days and not everyone is so quick to appease Yeezy's ego. Yeezus is officially release on Tuesday (June 18).

Kanye thinks 'Yeezus' is no. 1, but he would

Kim gave birth to a daughter this weekend