Kim And Kanye Still Questioning What To Call Their Kid

  • 19 June 2013

Kim K and Kanye – even their names almost rhyme, this was obviously destined to happen – are busy adjusting to the joys of parenthood, while balancing those with their hectic work schedules. They still have to figure out, or at least to announce the little one’s name though. Amid all of those important duties, the new mother still found time to email Ryan Seacrest, the producer of Keeping Up With The Kardashians and share some of her excitement.

After Seacrest emailed her a brief message: "Yay! Congrats my darling, you're a mommy!", Kim responded with the even more brief: "Cant believe it! It's so crazy," according to People magazine.

Check out some photos from Kim and Kanye's appearances together.

We can’t believe it either, but there it is and hopefully Kim and Kanye both enjoy parenting as much as the gossip pages will undoubtedly enjoy watching their every move. Sadly, nowhere in that exchange did Kim reveal the information we’re all just dying to know (that might be a slight exaggeration, but you get the point.) Namely, what’s the little one called? It was reported earlier that the couple were toying with the idea of naming their bundle of joy North, but several news sites have also claimed that Kim is keen on keeping the K – it is something of a tradition after all. Whatever it is, we just hope the poor kid doesn’t end up being called Knorth West – that would go beyond adorably quirky and straight into parental abuse territory.

Image caption The pair have been inseparable over the past few months.

And now they've expanded the family.