Pauls Deen's World Crumbles Around Her - Sponsors Show Her The Door

  • 24 June 2013

When you’re a celebrity chef, and it gets revealed that you called someone a n*****, and apparently stood by while people called a black colleague at your restaurant ‘my little monkey’, you can safely expect your income revenues from high-paying sponsors to dry up, and that’s exactly what’s happening to Paula Deen.

The chef, who is famous for her deep south comfort food, admitted to using the word ‘n*****’ in a court deposition, and since then, allegations have surfaced of more racist behavior from her and those close to her. The Food Network want nothing to do with it, and have cancelled all her shows. In addition the shopping channel QVC has admitted that it has 'concerns over the unfortunate Paula Deen siutaion'. A spokesperson told TMZ that “We are closely monitoring these events and we are reviewing our business relationship with Ms. Deen. In the meantime, we have no immediate plans to have her appear on QVC.”

Digging your way out of something like this is difficult – thankfully we at Contact Music have never had to – but Deen is making every effort to express contrition for her actions. “Inappropriate, hurtful language is totally, totally unacceptable,' she said in a 45-second video posted on YouTube designed as an apology 'I've made plenty of mistakes along the way but I beg you, my children, my team, my fans, my partners - I beg for your forgiveness.”

Image caption Paula Deen is shrouded in controversy

And her sponsors are fleeing