'It's Not About The Money' - Kristen Wiig Says No Bridesmaids 2 For Her

  • 02 July 2013

There will be no Bridesmaids 2, that’s according to its co-creator Kristen Wiig, who would rather focus on other projects, despite the significant fiscal advantages of making another Bridesmaids movie.

Image caption Kristen Wiig can do other stuff now, like Despicable Me 2, for a laugh

The first was both a hit with the box office and the critics, which for studios is the magic concoction of both respect and money. They don’t mind their concoctions to have just one ingredient: money, but added respect is always a bonus. Talking of respect, and Wiig has a lot of it, especially self resect. With her name thought of so highly in both film and TV, the funny-woman can afford to pick and choose her projects carefully and, most importantly, regardless of cash.

“It wasn't a hard decision," she said to Harper's. "We knew during the first one, this was it. We would have made a lot of money if there was a second one, but that's not my goal in my creative life." It’s nice to see someone in that position not solely influences by money. It’s around now we’d say ‘you go girl’, but we won’t.

Image caption Wiig smiling for the paps at the Kid's Choice Awards

Bridesmaids also Maya Rudolph, Melissa McCarthy and Rose Byrne as well as Chris O'Dowd and Mad Men star Jon Hamm. It gathered over £190 million at cinemas, making it Judd Apatow's most lucrative production to date. A solid franchise indeed, but knowing when to stop is often the key to a film’s long term success, and it would appear a renewal of these vows is off the table.