Well This Wasn’t The Plan – Jay-Z’s Samsung App Invaded By Hackers

  • 05 July 2013

The unification of Jay-Z and Samsung was supposed to see 1 million smartphone and tablet users get exclusive access to his new album, Magna Carta Holy Grail. What actually happened was pretty different: the album was leaked, making it no so exclusive, and the app was hacked, with pejorative messages about the American Government.

Image caption Jay Z's new album has enjoyed a massive PR push

“McAfee Mobile Security has identified a new Android Trojan embedded in a pirated copy of an exclusive app from rapper Jay Z. We suspect the malware author is attempting to go after the demand for the app Magna Carta Holy Grail on pirated sites,” said McAfee researcher Irfan Asrar in a blog entry. “The legitimate app has been released exclusively for Samsung devices on Google Play.”

It’s essentially a fake app, masquerading as the real thing. When people download what they think is the Samsung music app, designed to give them access to his album, they get a slew of politically fuelled messages. It is currently unknown weather or not the app might grant access to private information. "The image and the service name NSAListener suggest a hacktivist agenda," wrote Mr Asrar, "but we haven't ruled out the possibility that additional malware may target financial transactions or other data."

Image caption Jay Z looking suave - the rapper is back with new material

Instead of a background including Jay Z and the album cover, the app saw President Obama wearing headphones. Above his image were the words "Yes we scan". In case you’re worried about downloading a dodgy app, only purchase them from trusted sources.