Should J.K. Rowling Gain Some Perspective? Author Angry At Leak

  • 19 July 2013

J.K. Rowling has expressed her anger after it was revealed that she was Robert Galbraith. Ostensibly, Galbraith penned Cuckoo’s calling – a crime novel that garndered average to good reviews and sold well but not spectacularly – but in reality, it was The Harry Potter author’s work.

But why is Rowling so upset? It could be because a follow up as Galbraith is now impossible; fans of the book probably won’t see another one now that the writer’s real identity has been released. Another reason could be pressure – Rowling spoke of the "liberating experience" of writing under a pseudonym, and that’s understandable given her stature.

The bigger picture, though, suggests that Rowling shouldn’t be too upset. She hasn’t lost face over this, Russells – the law firm who inadvertently let the cat out the bag – have. And while it’s gauche to equate money to happiness, she’ll certainly live. Artistically it may come as a blow, but overall, a now chart-topping book and the biggest literary franchise in the world will do. It has to do.

Rowling said in a statement. "I have today discovered how the leak about Robert's true identity occurred. A tiny number of people knew my pseudonym and it has not been pleasant to wonder for days how a woman whom I had never heard of prior to Sunday night could have found out something that many of my oldest friends did not know. To say that I am disappointed is an understatement,” she added. “I had assumed that I could expect total confidentiality from Russells, a reputable professional firm, and I feel very angry that my trust turned out to be misplaced."

Image caption Not happy - Rowling