Matt Smith's Last Comic-Con As Doctor Who

  • 22 July 2013

Doctor Who fans bade Matt Smith farewell at the San Diego Comic-Con this weekend. This reincarnation of The Doctor announced in June he would be leaving the show. He will continue in the role until the Christmas special, whilst his assistant, Jenna Coleman, will continue in her role as Clara Oswald.

Image caption Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman and Stephen Moffat at 72nd Annual Peabody Awards, New York. 

When Smith took to the stage a number of fans shouted in unison "thank you Matt!" In response to his fan's Smith, on his role as The Doctor, said "it changed my life and my family's life, and I'm proud and grateful to be part of it."

A special 50th anniversary show has been scheduled to air on 23rd November, exactly 50 years to the day since the show was first broadcast on the BBC. The special will star Matt Smith, David Tennant and John Hurt as The Doctor. Whilst assistants and enemies will also feature: Jenna Coleman, Billie Piper, Zygons and the Daleks. Joanne Page will also make an appearance.

Stephen Moffat, the writer and producer of Doctor Who, speaking to the BBC announced his choice of enemies was decided by The Doctor himself, who once said, "that you can judge a man by the quality of his enemies, so it's fitting that for this very special episode, he should be facing the greatest enemies of all."

Filming for the special has already taken place in Cardiff. Additional scenes, including Daleks walking over Westminster Bridge and Matt Smith hanging from the tardis, were filmed in London in April.

Fans at the Comic-Con were disappointed that the new Doctor was not revealed.

Image caption Matt Smith filming the special in Trafalgar Square, London.

Daleks on Westminster Bridge.