Marr's Back – Andrew Marr Heading Back To BBC Life After Stroke

  • 29 July 2013

It’s been a long, difficult but ultimately fruitful road to recovery for Andew Marr, who suffered a life-threatening stroke in January and spent over two months in hospital, undergoing physical therapy to help him walk again. He’ll be returning to his Sunday politics show in September, the BBC has confirmed.

Jeremy Vine – who has been sitting in for Marr on the Sunday program – told viewers the good news on his show. “That's about it for this Sunday, and indeed for this run of the programme. As usual, we're taking a summer break and we're back on the first Sunday in September, which this year is September 1st. And I'm delighted to say that Andrew will be back in the hot seat presenting the show himself."

Marr’s not taking it easy; he’s straight back in the deep and and intends to start work on his Start the Week Radio 4 show later in the year. In a statement, he said: "I'm hugely looking forward to coming back and want to give it my all, but recovering from a stroke does take time. We've taken the decision to start with the Sunday show in the autumn and I'm delighted to be returning to present Start the Week on Radio 4 later on in the year."

Marr has appeared on his own show since the stroke as a guest. “I've got a lot of physio still to do," he explained at the time. A Radio 4 spokesperson said Start the Week would continue to be presented by Stephanie Flanders and other guests until his return. "Andrew is a fantastic presenter and we look forward to having him back on Radio 4."

Image caption Andrew Marr enjoying Glastonbury