Is Johnny Depp Quitting The Acting Game To Find His Own Voice?

  • 29 July 2013

There are two ways of viewing Johnny Depp’s hints that he might be quitting acting: the last decade of his films have been such a disaster, he might as well quit now, a rich healthy man, or, he’s actually reached a spiritual level of depth and it’s just ‘right’ for him to put down the script.

You know what? If he does throw the towel in, we think it’ll be because of a mixture of them both.

Image caption Will this film lead to Johnny Depp's retirement?

So what could he do now? Direct? It’s not entirely his fault that most of his recent films have been rubbish – he didn’t direct, write or cast them. If we were Depp, and we’re really not, we’d relax in the knowledge that a lifetime of Hollywood premieres, houses in Italy and expensive white shirts would see us through an early retirement.