Courtney Love Ditched Edward Norton During Scottish Hike To See Oasis

  • 30 July 2013

Singer Courtney Love once ditched her former boyfriend Edward Norton during a hike up a Scottish mountain to attend a rock festival headlined by Oasis.

The Hole star quit smoking and taking drugs when she began dating the Fight Club actor in 1996 and she started taking an interest in more clean-living activities favoured by Norton.

However, she couldn't ignore the lure of a rock gathering at Loch Lomond after becoming embroiled in an argument with the movie star during a trek up nearby Ben Nevis - so she simply left him stranded.

During an appearance on America's The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on Monday night (29Jul13), she revealed, "I climbed Ben Nevis. I got halfway up, this was when I was dating a very respectable actor who'd gone to Yale, and I'd quit smoking that day for him, I quit everything...

"So we start climbing... and halfway up Ben Nevis... I heard this huge screaming noise. Do you know what it was? It was Oasis, playing Loch Lomond... The biggest Loch festival in British history happened to be playing that day and we were fighting and I thought, 'You know what, f**k it' - and I went to see Oasis."

Love's rude behaviour didn't appear to turn Norton off and he later proposed to the rock star, but they parted ways in 1999.