Sneaky BBC Officials Conceal This Sunday's Doctor Who Announcement As Celebrity Mastermind Episode

  • 02 August 2013

Let’s say it together now: NEW DOCTOR! The iconic BBC series Doctor Who is gearing up to reveal its chosen replacement for current star Matt Smith, who will depart after this year’s Christmas special (tear). The announcement will be made in a half hour special on BBC1 this Sunday. However, you won’t see the programme in any printed or online TV Guide.

Image caption It's almost time to say goodbye to Smith...

It seems that the DW team is so keen on keeping the secret of the new Doctor’s identity, that they did not even want to write the actor’s name or give away any hints in the programmes, so instead of billing the programme under its actual name Doctor Who: The New Doctor, it was billed as an episode of Celebrity Mastermind. At the time of the article this was still the listing.

Image caption ...but not before the big announcement...

However, now the jig is up, so there’s no point in the network keeping the false schedules any longer. The listing will be amended to show the DW special. The half-hour special will be hosted by Zoe Ball, who will unveil the latest Time Lord and interview him or her. It will also feature not only the current Doctor/companion duo of Smith and Jenna Coleman, past Doctors and companions will also appear. Showrunner Steven Moffat will also be on hand, of course, to discuss with Smith what it takes to be the Doctor. A fun bit of trivia: in their attempts to keep the new star’s name a secret, the DW team have been referring to him or her as “Houdini”.

If you recall, the DW production team do have a penchant for anagrams (back in the day, Karen Gillan had to audition for something called “panic moon,” instead of the role of a companion.) So what do you think? Houdini? Luckily, viewers won’t have to wait too long for the reveal, as the special is set to air on BBC1 at 7PM this Sunday and on BBC America at 2PM ET on the same day.

Image caption ... but not before one final adventure in the TARDIS.