Okay, Now Will You Admit Sharknado Is Awful? Jedward To Star In Sequel

  • 06 August 2013

Sharknado’s producers have been trying so hard to make Sharknado ridiculous, they may have just pushed it too far. Disgraced Hollywood stars, a ridiculous plot and a laughable script are one thing – people still buy into it – but the most annoying twins on the planet? Too far.

Image caption Jedward with floppy hair

Jedward’s twitter account - @planetjedward – confirmed the news that they would be starring in the sequel. "Talked to @tarareid we just found out that we are gonna star in #sharknado 2 and will also be doing a song for the sound track," it said.

The aforementioned Hollywood star, Tara Reid, also took to Twitter to talk about the Irish duo featuring in the franchise. "So excited John and Edward @planetjedward will be making there first movie debut in #sharknado 2 and will be on the soundtrack! Woo hop."

Sharknado’s sequel only exists because people loved to hate the original. Sharks getting turfed from the sea and attacking people via the air? It was always going to be a cult hit in this age of social media. Twittered obliged and gave the B-movie a platform, but now it appears as though the film’s quest for the absurd might end up turning people off.

Image caption There are two reasons Tara Reid is in Sharknado

Even Reid seems to have changed her mind somewhat, pouring tepid – not cold – water over the Jedward ‘news’. "It's just an idea to have @planetjedward in #SharkNado2 but theres no script yet who else do u think should be in it? #ideas," she Tweeted, possibly backtracking over legal issues.