Lauren Silverman, Mother Of Simon Cowell's Child, Reaches Divorce Settlement

  • 15 August 2013

Lauren Silverman, the mother of Simon Cowell's child, has reached a divorce settlement with her husband Andrew Silverman. The cuckolded husband of Lauren Silverman filed for divorce after the news broke that she was carrying Cowell's child. Reports from last month suggest Lauren was 10 weeks pregnant, so she will be now be approaching her thirteenth week.

Image caption Lauren Silverman and Simon Cowell leaving St. Martin's theatre in London in March 2013.

The Silverman's separation appearances to be amicable, which is not surprising as sources suggest their relationship has been on the rocks for over a year. According to sources speaking to US Weekly, "Lauren and Andrew have been unhappy in their marriage for some time, and their divorce has been in the works for a while. As their marriage deteriorated, she and Simon became close."

It initially appeared the Silverman divorce was going to be unpleasant and messy, if the divorce documents obtained by TMZ are anything to go by. An extract from these documents, filed by Andrew Silverman, reads: "the nature of this action is: to dissolve the marriage between the parties based upon (1) the commission of acts of adultery by the defendant and (2) defendant's cruel and inhuman treatment of the plaintiff."

Sources suggest the settlement will see Lauren Silverman walking away from her marriage with $1 million, as opposed to the $4 million initially suggested. It is also believed, as reported by the NY Daily News, that the Silverman's will share joint custody of their son Adam.

Image caption Simon Cowell leaving Loulou's private members club in London.

The divorce has been dealt with as quickly and quietly as the onslaught of publicity would allow. This is, according to Andrew Silverman, a priority in order to protect his son. In a statement to the press, he said "my priority was resolving this quickly for the sake of our son."

As reported in People magazine, it seems Cowell felt similarly about the situation. He has decided to remain away from his pregnant girlfriend until the drama has died down.

It is believed the divorce proceedings will draw to an end this week and it is also believed that the judge will sign the final paperwork tomorrow (Friday 16 August). Cowell has been named in the divorce settlement, however, he worked out an agreement with Andrew Silverman sometime over the August 2 weekend, according to the NY Daily News. His name has since been cleared from the final papers, presumably owing to this secret meeting between Lauren Silverman's husband and lover.

Image caption Lauren Silverman at a charity event in New York in 2007.