And Now For Some Amanda Bynes Clarity, Her Family Speak Out

  • 03 September 2013

Forget Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Alexander Valterovich Litvinenko; this decade won’t be defined by their enigmatic presence. Everyone wants to know what Amanda Bynes is doing, why, where she’s doing it, and if it involves Twitter. Luckily, her family have the lowdown.

Image caption Okay, this IS Amanda Bynes.

It’s not currently known how much Jaxson – the supposed publicist in all this – actually knows, so his long statement to ET should be taken with a liberal dash of sodium. He begins: "despite some reports, Amanda is improving daily and responding well. There is still a long road ahead, and that doesn't mean being confined to a locked-down treatment center.”

And continues: “Amanda is in the best hands presently, medically, and each day her condition is being monitored. There is not a set release date, but with the great track she is on presently, she will be out of a lockdown facility and continuing to recover elsewhere in the near future. Her parents love her dearly and still are hoping to continue conservatorship after Sept. 30.”

There is more, but it’s boring.

Is this even Amanda Bynes? Watch a supposed Bynes Arriving at Court (it probably was Bynes)