Robin Thicke Is In Wife-Worshipping Mode Following Twerking Controversy

  • 06 September 2013

When you’re the least popular man in the world man among feminists and a young girl ‘twerks’ against you live in front of millions of people, it’s time to go on the charm offensive. That’s what Robin Thicke’s PR people have done. They don’t want any blurred lines: he’s a nice guy - that’s the party line.

Image caption Thick's hangdog expression

It’s great to know this married couple have been there for eachother isn’t it? And what’s even better is that they’re crafting a mini-Thicke – their son is already showing musical tendencies to take his daddy’s brand of misogyny into another generation.

“He writes all his own songs and performs them and introduces himself – “Ladies and gentlemen, Julian Fuego Thicke!” He even wakes up in his sleep sometimes, introduces himself like that and falls back asleep. He’s hilarious,” Thicke enthused to Prestige Hong Kong.