Alex Turner Has The Arctic Mum-Keys On Lockdown - 'No Mums At Festivals, Thanks'

  • 12 September 2013

Some people actually go to festivals with their parents; the bond is that strong they can either forgo the temptation to get really drunk and act like an idiot in front of those who raised them, or just do it anyway – you can bet that mum and dad will join in too.

For Alex Turner – lead singer of The Arctic Monkeys, who have made a triumphant return with AM – the temptation to invite his mum along to a festival equals zero. In an interview with The Sun, Alex said: “She had a lot of fun - maybe more than me. She was there with all her gang. I didn't even get the tickets for them, she went and organised it for herself, for her birthday.”

See, his mum was at Glastonbury, where the band were performing a rip-roaring set. "There's something about a big festival and knowing your mum is around somewhere. I can't be naughty if she's there,” he added. “I asked if, in future, we could check which festival she wants to go to and which ones I'm playing at. I absolutely love her though, don't get me wrong.”

Following the release of the fifth studio album, The Arctic Monkeys have proven their talents once again. Rave reviews and a rapid sale-rate have seen the album shift 100k copies. If it carries on at that rate, will outdo Daft Punk for the ‘most albums sold in the first week’ crown – not something to be taken lightly.

Image caption Alex Turner - no mums allowed