Richmond, London Tops David Attenborough's List Of Favourite Places

  • 23 September 2013

David Attenborough has travelled the entire globe, filming nature documentaries in a career that has spanned six decades, but Richmond in West London is officially his favourite place on this earth. The legendary broadcaster was talking to Time Out when he made the surprising choice.

“Partly because I live there, partly because my friends and family are there,” he explained, making the choice seem that much less exciting and all the more humbling.

“The climate suits me, and London has the greatest serious music that you can hear any day of the week in the world - you think it's going to be Vienna or Paris or somewhere, but if you go to Vienna or Paris and say, "Let's hear some good music" there isn't any,” he added. (Daily Mail)

It’s a warming notion that Attenborough, despite hanging out with gorillas in central Africa, chooses the leafy suburb over many of the exotic locations he’s film in. “London has fine museums, the British Library is one of the greatest library institutions in the world...It's got everything you want, really,” he explained.

The national treasure, at the ripe old age of 87, is still going strong, but he isn’t planning on sitting around in Richmond Park looking at the deer just yet, well, not unless there’s a camera crew present. “There are plenty of people at my age who can't move out of a chair. It's just good luck in my case that I can. If I can make programmes when I'm 95, that would be fine. But I would think I'll have had enough by then,” he said.

Image caption For Sir David Attenborough, there's no place like home.