Fiona Apple Kicks 'Get Healthy' Heckler Out Of Venue

  • 05 October 2013

Singer/songwriter Fiona Apple halted a gig in Oregon on Thursday night (03Oct13) to ask a heckler to leave.

The rowdy female concertgoer urged Apple to "Get healthy" towards the end of her Newmark Theatre set in Portland, adding, "We want to see you in 10 years."

But the singer wasn't touched by the fan's concern and instead stopped the gig and turned on her.

Visibly shaken, according to website Stereogum, she responded, "I am healthy! Who the f**k do you think you are?"

Apple then demanded venue bosses turn on the lights and yelled, "I want you to get the f**k out of here. I want the house lights on so I watch you leave!"

The fan left the venue determined to have the last word, stating, "I saw you 20 years ago and you were beautiful!" as she exited the theatre.

Apple collected herself to perform an awkward Waltz (Better Than Fine) before leaving the stage.

It isn't the first time in recent months Apple has ended a show abruptly - she stormed offstage at a gig in Japan in August (13), after failing to silence the chatty audience.

She was performing at the Louis Vuitton Timeless Muses party in Tokyo, when she climbed onto a piano to tell the audience to "shut the f**k up."

After her demands fell on deaf ears, Apple left the stage yelling, "Predictable! Predictable fashion, what the f**k?"