Morgan Saylor

  • 16 October 2013



Novitiate Trailer

It's the early sixties and 17-year-old Cathleen Harris has decided on what she wants for her future. Having been drawn to the Catholic faith from the age of 7, she now wants to take the ultimate step and become a nun having felt the presence of God. Her mother is none to happy about her decision, fearful that she will lose her daughter forever, but nonetheless Cathleen joins a convent as a postulant in under to undergo the novitiate - that is, training before taking holy vows - led by the Reverend Mother. She's a very traditional kind of nun, rejecting any kind of modernisation of the church, banning all physical affection from the lightest of touches, and encouraging their young novices to use controversial methods of self-discipline. But, the fact is, the church is changing and the Reverend Mother struggles to cope with the idea of losing her authority as the era of the Second Vatican Council reformations draws near. Meanwhile, many of the novices struggle with their sexuality - something ultimately forbidden by the path they have chosen.

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McFarland USA Trailer

In 1987, Jim White (Kevin Costner) moved to McFarland in the San Joaquin Valley, Kern County, California, and what he found there shocked him. The city appeared to be a predominately Latino ghetto of sorts, where the children chose not to follow his instructions in class and caused him no end of grief. That was, until White noticed the exceptional running skills of the children in his class. With no cross-country team in the city and no one qualified to coach it, White assembled seven of the best runners and pushed them to take a chance and become great.

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