Video Footage Of Kanye Wests Proposal To Kim Kardashian Emerges Online

  • 24 October 2013

We're a little surprised that it didn't go down as the most videoed event in human history, but it turns out that there weren't many cameras around at all when Kanye West got on to one knee and asked Kim Kardashian to be his wife. Not all hope is gone though, because someone was filming the proposal after all, and the footage has now made its way on line.

Kim and Kanye are engaged at last

TMZ obtained a blurry video of the couple during the momentous occasion, taken at the AT&T Park in San Francisco. In true Kanye style, the rapper pulled out all the stops to make the occasion an extra special one, not only forking out millions for the ring and renting out an entire baseball field, but also enlisting the help of the stadium scoreboard, some pyrotechnics and a 50-piece orchestra. The footage might be blurry, but it still reveals plenty about the big ask.

From what we can take from the video, it looks as though Kanye got down on one knee at around second base on the baseball diamond, asking Kim to marry him whilst the orchestra plays behind them. Kim stands with her hands over her mouth the whole time and when she (presumably) says yes, the two embrace and are gradually joined by family and friends, who flock out from the dugouts. Looks like all the Kardashians made it out for the big occasion too, and later on in the video we see all the attendees gathered together exchanging words and toasting Kanye and Kim, all whilst Kanye's track 'All of the Lights' plays (you think he'd play another artists music?). On top of this, it looks as though the whole thing was caught on an actual camera after all (we knew it). The two are also toasted, presumably by Kris Jenner, at the end of the video inside an unspeicifed building.

So if this is what the engagement is like, we can't wait to see what Kanye has in store for the actual wedding. We just need to wait around and hope that it comes relatively soon.

Will the matrimony last though?

We bet Kanye is great at birthdays