Prince Charles Does NOT View Future Reign As "Prison": Clarence House Denies Reports

  • 25 October 2013

Despite comments published in the current issue of TIME magazine, Prince Charles does not view potential future role of King as a "prison," it has been iterated by Clarence House. A feature story on the second in line to the British throne quoted an unnamed official as saying that Charles is worried that he won't be able to fulfil all his ambitions before "the prison shades" close.

Prince Charles Featured On The Cover Of TIME Magazine.

A Clarence House spokesperson said "This is not the Prince of Wales's view and should not be attributed to him as he did not say these words. "The prince has dutifully supported the Queen all his life and his official duties and charitable work have always run in parallel, via BBC News."

The piece's author, Catherine Mayer, has made efforts to clarify the meaning of the quotes used. She said "He is absolutely not saying he doesn't want to be king and nobody in his household is saying that."

Charles Isn't Dreading His Ascension, He Is Perhaps Concerned It Won't Leave Him As Much Time For Charity Work.

Somewhat contradictorily perhaps, she said the term "prison shades" referred to concern among the Charles' household that now the prince was taking on more of the Queen's duties as the current monarch is gradually less able. She added, "there's a big impact on what the Prince of Wales actually does already, in terms of time, so the reference was to his dwindling lack of time."

TIME's profile depicted a man who takes on extra royal duties "joylessly" and who is not exactly "itching to assume the crown" due to its potential impact on his philanthropic work and charity aid, as well as his ability to speak out on current issues.

Charles Is A Dedicated Spokesman For Several Charities.

Mayer elaborated on her article's angle, telling Today that "the public image of [Charles] as a man who has sat there sort of cantankerously waiting for his mother to pop off so he can become king is about as far from the truth as it's possible to imagine."

It's been a busy week for the royal family as baby Prince George was christened on Wednesday and his seven godparents selected. Charles appeared with his mother The Queen, as well as his son William and his new grandson George in a commemorative photo harking back to the last time as many generations of royals were able to be in the same room together in the 19th century.

The TIME issue is on sale now.