Kim Kardashian's Daily Weigh-ins

  • 05 November 2013

Kim Kardashian weighs herself 14 times a day.

The 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' star has been committed to shedding the weight she gained while pregnant with daughter North West - who was born in June - and she reportedly monitors her progress on seven sets of scales as she doesn't trust just one set to be accurate.

A source told Yahoo! omg: ''Kim has seven sets of weighing scales around her house and weighs herself on each one twice a day. Her weight loss has been her top priority and she's not stopping yet.

''She has precision digital scales, eye-level scales, two top medical scales used in the most prestigious LA clinics, her old bathroom scales she's had for years and a couple of hand-painted, handmade scales which are artists' creations.''

The 33-year-old beauty, who recently got engaged to North's father, rapper Kanye West, has lost a staggering 50 pounds since giving birth and has taken up the Atkins diet - which advises a lower intake of carbohydrates - to aid her weight loss.

However, it appears Kim isn't satisfied with the results she is seeing on her various scales.

The insider added: ''Kim has her favourite scales and her most hated.

''She doesn't believe one or two scales is enough to give her the truth for her weight loss graph. She is so focused on getting the body she wants right now that her scales are central to her life.

''She has an eye-level digital scale which she counts as her favourite, but a couple of fitscan scales as well.''