Lady Gaga's Interviews: On Sex, Family Plans & Chicago Pizza

  • 10 November 2013

Lady GaGa is not well known for her warm or homely attitude. In fact, before now few people have rarely heard her discuss her personal life or how she chooses to relax. Yet beyond the elaborate costumes - the parasols, the clam bikini, the creepy glasses, to name just a few - a pizza lover and family orientated person resides.

Image caption One of Lady Gaga's more demure costumes.

See more pictures of Lady Gaga's incredible costumes on Contactmusic.

Lady GaGa, whose real name is Joanne Stefani Germanotto, discussed her hopes for her future: kids! The 27-year-old was interviewed by radio station, SiriusXM, at their New York studios on Friday (8th November). Gaga said she hopes to have a large family at some point in her future. She said "I want to have tons of kids, actually I think at least three." The Mother Monster wanted to "nurture my children and inspire [them]."

In a rare scene of humility, the 'Born this Way' singer joked about how she would raise her children. She said "To be honest, having my own kids will be like having three little monsters with me all the time. They probably won't be fans. They'll probably like hate my music who knows."

Image caption Lady Gaga in an updated Geisha style kimono, face paint and parasol.