Jennifer Lawrence Stirred By Extra's Survival Story

  • 10 November 2013

Jennifer Lawrence was touched by a burn victim on the set of The Hunger Games after she revealed the book series, which inspired the film, gave her the courage to return to school with her head held high.

The actress still chokes up when she recalls the extra's story, admitting it made her realise she is part of a very powerful film franchise.

She tells Wenn, "I remember being on the first movie and there was a girl who was an extra and she was covered in scars and burned. I remember her coming up to me and saying she was too self-conscious to go to school when she was younger. And then when she read Hunger Games and Catching Fire she felt proud of herself and her friends called her the girl on fire.

"I remember just crying and calling my mom and I still can't tell the story without tearing up."

And Lawrence is determined to use the fame she has gained thanks to her role in The Hunger Games films to help as many people as possible.

She adds, "There are so many wonderful things that can come from when you have a voice, saying the right things. A simple one is it's so easy to raise money for charity. It takes me 10 minutes to sign 100 posters and I can raise thousands of dollars for charity that way.

"Sometimes it can all seem so pointless because you're in hair and make-up, and then sometimes there are these lives you can touch without even meaning to."