Angelina Jolie To Head Global Summit On Ending Sexual Violence In Warzones

  • 02 December 2013

Angelina Jolie is set to co-chair a global summit on ending sexual violence in warzones.

The Hollywood star will lead three days of talks in London, England next year (14), along with British Foreign Secretary William Hague. The two have previously worked together to campaign against the same topic, thanks to her role as a United Nations special envoy for refugees.

During the summit, they will demand "justice and respect" for victims of wartime rape and sexual violence worldwide. Representatives from 137 countries, including judges, doctors and police who have worked in warzones, will discuss their experiences in safeguarding women, and how to keep attackers at bay.

Jolie tells the London Evening Standard, "This summit is long overdue. The goal must be an end to impunity, and justice and respect for the survivors of these horrendous crime... We are committed to see that through no matter what it takes, and I hope other countries will take part and live up to their responsibilities."

Hague also praised Jolie for her part in the summit and adds, "The United Kingdom has a seat at all the world's top tables of diplomacy - but this cannot be tackled by governments alone. We have to change attitudes worldwide, and her role is indispensable."