Underwood Carries 'The Sound Of Music,' But Show Ultimately Fails To Deliver

  • 06 December 2013

When NBC decided to produce a live-action version of The Sound of Music starring Carrie Underwood, they knew it would be a big risk. Live TV is always risky, and remaking a classic is even riskier.

Image caption Carrie Underwood Did Her Best in NBC's The Sound of Music

The show was pulled off Thursday night, without anyone falling or forgetting too many lines. But the reviews are mixed. It appears many people are applauding NBC for pulling off such a big task and Carrie Underwood for going along with it.

But hurriedly remaking a classic with a lead actress who has no real background in acting is not going to win any old praise. USA Today's review applauded Underwood's courage to take on the role, but wished she would learned how to do it better.

"As her multiple Grammys and her legion of country music fans will attest, the quality of Underwood's singing voice is not the problem," the newspaper said. "It's that she doesn't know how to use that voice to sing in character, or what to do with her face when she's trying."

They added that she was best when singing, but "It was the speaking that did her in." That led to a lack of chemistry, and therefore no point to the story. Because it is, in the end, is a love story.

Image caption Carrie Underwood Rehearsing for 'The Sound of Music'

The Washington Post reviewer agreed, saying it was "'disappointing,' but I don't mean travesty."

"You can salute Underwood's strong vocals and her bravery in stepping into the role, but it's impossible not to notice that she can't act," the newspaper said.

Before the show, Underwood told Entertainment Weekly she was having fun auditioning for the show, but that "it definitely is a challenge. I mean, this is completely out of my comfort zone."

Without star power like Carrie Underwood, The Sound of Music likely wouldn't have had an audience. While many remember the Julie Andrews version, the story was a play first, and that lent to this version going more smoothly. But it also led viewers who were used to the movie to take to Twitter in anger or mocking.

No one can argue the live version of The Sound of Music wasn't a social media success, and for anyone who still remembers Sharknado, you know sometimes that's all you need.

Image caption Carrie Underwood and the cast of 'The Sound of Music'