The Wolf Of Wall Street Trailer - Where Did Kanye West Come From?

  • 24 December 2013

This is the kind of thing Kanye West has been talking about. He wants to get involved in fashion; he wants to make buildings; he wants to design fishing rods, probably, and you can be sure he wants his songs to feature on socio-politically satirical comedies by Martin Scorsese. Everybody does, apart from this person.

Image caption The Wolf of Wall Street is out on Christmas Day

So in that sense, his song Black Skinhead’s inclusion on the trailer for the film, which features Leonardo Dicaprio, is no surprise. It’s only when you take a closer look at the film’s soundtrack – a bluesy, early rock & roll kind of feel – Kanye’s single of 2013 becomes somewhat of an outcast. So what happened there?

Music supervisor Randall Poster explains: "I think that the people that made the trailer, they were making it before we had a [completed] movie," he says. "You try to find something that is impactful for the trailer, and I think [Kanye] felt very 'now.' I think that in spite of the movie's period setting, some of the substance of it is contemporary." (MTV)

And Scorsese has learned to trust Poster’s judgment when it comes to this kind of thing. He earned a Grammy for his work with the director on HBO's 'Boardwalk Empire,' and helped him out – sonically - on ‘The Aviator’ and ‘Hugo’ – both huge hits.

Watch the trailer for The Wolf of Wall Street

But he’s humble alright: "[Scorsese] really does select all the songs, so it really is born out of him," he says of ‘Wolf.’ “[Composer] Robbie Robertson and I gather material and present it to him, and do the best we can to complete his vision.”

Scorsese’s Wolf of Wall Street has been a hit with the critics, and should be there or thereabouts when the Academy’s Golden Statuettes are doled out. It’s out on Christmas Day.